If the product installation fails, the error message returned is typically not very helpful.

In order get enough information to diagnose the problem tracing needs to be enabled when the installation runs.

Steps to enable detailed tracing

Step 1 : Click Windows Start (or press windows start button) -> type "cmd" -> right-click the "Command Prompt" tile -> click "Run as administrator"

Step 2 :Run the installer using the argument /l=c:\logfile.txt
c:\temp\LiquidStudio.exe /l=c:\temp\logfile.txt

Note : You may have to change the location of the log file as appropriate for your file system.

Step 3 :  When the installer runs complete the installation wizard as you did previously. When the error occurs exist the installer.
Step 4 : Check that the log file has been created (in our case at c:\temp\logfile.txt)
Step 5 : Open a support ticket and ensure the ticket contains the following information       
  • Attached logfile.txt 
  • Your license key, order number (if you have one)
  • The version of windows you are running (XP, 7, 8, 10 etc)
  • Any information you think may be relevant.
We will then be able to investigate the issue properly.
Note: If you open the logfile.txt in Notepad.exe and go to the end of the file you may see an entry such as:
MainEngineThread is returning 1603
This is the underlying Microsoft Windows Installer Error, for error 1603 please see the Microsoft Article:
Other Errors
If the installer displays the error 'An error occurred while attempting to create the directory: C:\Users\[YourUser]\AppData', please ensure the SYSTEM account has write access to the folder as described in the above Microsoft Article.