How can I get more detailed error information when loading XML data?

When the Liquid Runtime throws an Exception, more detailed information can be extracted by catching the exception and recursively look at the inner exception values.

You can see an example of this if you select the option to generate a SampleApp in the Wizard.

E.g. Exception Handling in C#
    // create an instance of the class to load the XML file into
    BookStoreLib.Bookstore elm = new BookStoreLib.Bookstore();

catch (Exception e)

private void DisplayError(Exception ex)

    string errText = "Error - \n";
    // Note : exceptions are likely to contain inner exceptions
    // that provide further detail about the error.

    while (ex != null)
        errText += ex.Message +
        ex = ex.InnerException;

    MessageBox.Show(this, errText, Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

E.g. Exception Handling in C++
    // create an instance of the class to load the XML file into
    BookStoreLib::CBookstorePtr elm = BookStoreLib::CBookstore::CreateInstance();

catch (CLtException& e)

    // Note : exceptions are likely to contain inner exceptions
    // that provide further detail about the error, GetFullMessage
    // concatenates the messages from them all.
    _tprintf(_T("Error - %s\n"), e.GetFullMessage().c_str());

Exception Handling in VB .NET

    // create an instance of the class to load the XML file into
    BookStoreLib.Bookstore elm = new BookStoreLib.Bookstore();

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

private Sub DisplayError(ByVal ex as Exception)
    Dim errText As String = "Error - " & vbCrLf
    ' Note : exceptions are likely to contain inner exceptions
    ' that provide further detail about the error.
    Do while (Not ex Is Nothing)
        errText = errText & ex.Message & vbCrLf
        ex = ex.InnerException


    MessageBox.Show(Me, errText, "An Error occured.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End Sub

E.g. Exception Handling in Java
    // create an instance of the class to load the XML file into
    bs.Bookstore elm = new bs.Bookstore();

catch (Exception e)

    // Note : exceptions are likely to contain inner exceptions
    // that provide further detail about the error.
    Throwable te = e;
    while (te != null)
        System.out.println("error - " + te.getMessage());

        te = te.getCause();


E.g. Exception Handling in VB6
On Error Goto Failed
Dim oElm As Object
Set oElm = BookstoreLib.FromXmlFile(filename)
oElm.FromXmlFile filename

    MsgBox "Error - " & Err.Description