Open GML file in Liquid Studio 2017
Question asked by Momchil Iordanov - 2/7/2018 at 2:51 PM
Hello all,

is it possible to open a GML (.gml) file in liquid studio? I am very pleased with the functionality it provides and wonder if there is a way to open GML layers or schemas in the platform?

Thank you kindly!

5 Replies

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Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Yes, a .gml file is just an xml file.
When you open a .gml file for the first time in Liquid Studio, you will be prompted to select the editor to use for the extension .gml.
Select the 'XML Document' and click OK. Whenever you open a .gml in future it will automatically be opened as an XML Document.
The .gml file should contain a schemaLocation attribute specifying the location of the GML schema. The .gml will be validated in Liquid Studio against the specified schema.
You can also open GML schema in Liquid Studio and use all of the schema tools such as generate sample gml documents, and generate documentation.
Momchil Iordanov Replied
Hello, thank you for the quick reply.

I am, however, experiencing some trouble loading a gml file into Liquid Studio.

First of all, I need to select "All Files" from the dropdown menu when trying to import, meaning Liquid doesn't recognize the GML as a valid XML/XSD (the file is not corrupt or damaged in any way; i validated it in Liquid and it stated "The XML document is well formed").

Then if I load it in, it is displayed like a text file with none of the tree-structure appearance I have come to like to so much.

I tried re-formatting it to a .css file, but this changed nothing.

I then changed the extension to .xml and it still changed nothing.

When I open a .bml in Liquid for the first time it asks me nothing. Might you be able to elaborate on the steps you proposed in light of my issues.

Thank you in advance!

Momchil Iordanov Replied
Update: I've tried opening other GMLs I have on my PC and now a different problem seems to arise - none of them begin with a "xs:schema" as a root, which is read by Liquid as an error, as it intuitively tried to load the gml as a xsd. When I incorporate it (xs:shcema) as a root and input all the the namespace declarations I had in my original root (in my case "gml:FeatureCollection") and try load the same original root as a first element i get the error message:
3:6) Error The 'htt p://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2: FeatureCollection' element is not supported in this context.

Why so?
Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post
A file extension is meaningless in the context of what the file contains. We assume .xml will be an XML Document, but we do not make an assumption for .gml (or .abc etc.), so you must set up this association to tell Liquid Studio how you would like the file extension type to be opened. E.g. as an XML Document, or an XML Schema etc.

If Liquid Studio does not have an association, it asks you the first time you open a file with the extension, then adds it to the file association list.

You can edit the list directly by using the menu Tools->Options
and selecting Environment->File Associations
Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post
.gml files are not XSDs they are XML Documents. Please see my answer above about how to associate files with specific editors.

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