Hello, when I try to serialize an object that contains a double value that is NaN, I get as result a "NaN" in the generated text, no problem with that. But when I try to deserialize this same string I get this exception:
LiquidTechnologies.XmlObjects.LxInvalidStateException: Expected Value '{', '[', '"', '0-9', '-', 'true', 'false' or 'null', found 'N' at line 84, posi...
Is there a way to handle the double.NaN correctly? I haven't found any options to inject to the LjSerializer as it is possible with other json serializers.
Thank you.
I tried to write "null" instead on "NaN" while serializing, but then i get this exception:
LiquidTechnologies.XmlObjects.LxSerializationException: The value of the element VSVMLimit@KWKA_XML_Intake can not be read into property KWKAIntake.DFCt.VSVMLimit. The value '' could not be converted to an xs:XsdDouble