Are there any liquid template generator?
Question asked by Vani Nrow - 11/28/2024 at 7:35 PM
I have a Json data which is an input. And have json schema to validate. Output is xml using the xsd schema. My organization wants to use liquid templates to perform the transformation. But we need to create the liquid templates manually and the data is huge. I know there are some online AI tools like shopify ai. But we want to use that can be mapped and converted/mapped to Liquid templates (not the xml data).

Are there any tools like that?

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Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer

We do not support Liquid Templates (it's annoying that they chose that name), but we do support mapping JSON to XML and visa versa in Azure using the easy to use drag and drop graphical interface in Liquid Data Mapper.

Please see:

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