Silent install through SCCM with the SCCM system account.
Problem reported by Yves Speybrouck - 8/9/2017 at 7:59 AM
When installing LiquidStudio 2017 through SCCM with the SCCM system account we received the following error. 
Product: Liquid Studio 2017 -- Disk full: Out of disk space -- Volume: '쀨y쀨y'; required space: 2 KB; available space: 0 KB.  Free some disk space and retry.
Did someone had the same issues and could it be solved. 
Speybrouck Yves

9 Replies

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Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post
Installing with SCCM should work OK.
We would suggest you use the offline install 153MB (not the web installer) for this.
The install tries to create sub folders in to the following folders:
  • %PROGRAMFILES% (e.g. C:\Program Files)
  • %PROGRAMDATA% (e.g. C:\ProgramData)
  • %APPDATA% (e.g. C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming)
  • %TEMP% (e.g. C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp)
Related Knowledge Base Articles:
Yves Speybrouck Replied
We downloaded the full offline version. And it's that version that gives us that error. He create a folder in C:\Windows\Temp called "Mia". Then the installation stops. So our problem is still not solved. 
Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post
Is it possible to create a log file using the information in the following article?
If so, please create a support ticket and send the log file.
Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post
I think we have found the issue. Please specify the DESKTOPDIR on the command line, e.g.
c:\temp\LiquidStudio2017.exe /S DESKTOPDIR="C:\Users\Public\Desktop"
I have raised this as an issue to be fixed in the next point release.
Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post
Did changing the command line work for you?
Brent Ono Replied
This command line does not work for me. Trying with LiquidStudio2019.exe /s TARGETDIR="c:\Program Files" /l=c:\Tsgtools\Logs\LS2019.txt in addition to what was listed above. 
Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post
What error do you see?
Brent Ono Replied
i see no error, it appears to be a rights issue. SCCM has two ways of installing, per system and per user. The only way this works is per user but that user needs to have admin rights. This isn't the usual case for other applications that install the same way. I suspect that the per user install still tries to do the installation to C:\Program Files, per my line listed above. Could you suggest another location for TargetDir?
Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post
The install user must have admin rights, I'm not sure changing the Target Folder will help?

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