'elementName (Parameter 'The elementObj is based on a xs:complexType, you must supply also supply the elementName.')'
Question asked by Scott Zrubek - 5/4/2020 at 9:57 PM
I'm attempting to export elements that are stored in a database into an xml file.  The barest bones of the code it:

                    SpaceSystemTypeCtDTO dto = SpaceSystemTypeCtDTO.convertModelToDTO(_context, spaceSystem);
                    LxSerializer serializer = new LxSerializer(typeof(SpaceSystemTypeCtDTO).Assembly);
                    serializer.Serialize(tteFilepath, dto, lxWriterSettings);

I'm seeing the following exception:

ArgumentNullException: elementName (Parameter 'The elementObj is based on a xs:complexType, you must supply also supply the elementName.')

I did not spot any overloads that gave me more information.  What do I need to change to get this exception cleared?

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Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer

As the type you are using 'SpaceSystemTypeCtDTO' is a ComplexType, you need to also pass the elementName into the 'Serialize' method, i.e. the element of type SpaceSystemTypeCtDTO, this will be the tag name in the output XML document.

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