Format Rule not saved when Re-sync data source is do
Problem reported by PHILIPPE GUITTARD - 9/11/2020 at 10:30 AM

In the Liquid Data Maper, when I do a "Re-sync data source" in my XML Writer, all the Format Rule with a pattern that I set in the properties of the outpout data disappear (for exemple the pattern for a date). 
So I have set again them manually each time I do a "Re-sync data source". Is it possible to keep them even after a res-sync ? 
Or the declaration of the Format Rules must be declared in the associated XSD Schema ? If so how to do it ?
In advance, thank you for your answer.

Best regards.

5 Replies

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Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post

Thanks for your feedback, I can confirm this is an issue and we are looking to get a fix in the next point release.
Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
This issue has been fixed in v18.0.13:

Thank you for the fix. I updated my Liquid Studio version in 18.0.13 and tested the fix.
The Format Rule with a pattern is saved after a Re-sync data source but not the property "Cast Type".
For example, I have a format rule Pattern [yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T12:00:00+02:00'] and for the Cast type value "Date Time". After the "Re-sync", the format rule don't change (so it's ok), but the cast type became empty. The property value "DateTime" is not saved...

In advance, thank you for your answer.

Best regards.

Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post
OK, thanks we will get that fixed shortly.
Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post

This issue has now been fixed in v18.0.14:

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