Cannot create an XML file from XSD
Question asked by Alan Zhou - 10/13/2020 at 12:59 AM
Recently, I am trying to use the CIDX_CeS_v4.0_Message_ShipmentInstructions.xsd to create an XML document. I got this error message. How do I fix it?

This is what I did to get the error message:
  1. Open up Liquid Studio
  2. In the start page, select Create Sample XML document from an XML schema
  3. Upload CIDX_CeS_v4.0_Message_ShipmentInstructions.xsd
  4. Select the root element
  5. Click next
  6. In the namespace option, I cannot specify a default namespace. I press finish and I got this error message: 
Failed to create a sample XML file.

Failed to find the schema item.

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Liquid Support Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer

Which element are you selecting? I selected 'ShipmentInstructions' and it worked OK.

Also, where did you get the XSD from? If you select 'Create a Sample XML Document from Industry Standard XSD', then you can select the CIDX (4.0) standard from the Select File Type dialog and it will be downloaded directly from our server.

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